Steele Chev's Apples To Apples Price Match Guarantee

Steele Chev's Apples To Apples Price Match Guarantee

With our Apples to Apples Price Match Guarantee we give you the expertise of our factory trained automotive service technicians at the guaranteed lowest price.

How it works?

Either before you purchase or within 30 days of your purchase, we will match any local competitors’ price who is providing an identical service, using identical parts and will provide you with a refund for the difference.

How do I take advantage of the offer?

Simply present us with a local competitors price quote which includes a breakdown of their parts and labor pricing. The makes, models and or part numbers of the parts being used to complete the service must be part of the estimate to qualify. Once we have validated the competitors offer and have determined they are providing an identical service using identical parts we will refund the difference.”

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